Last full day in Verona

I spent a lot of time last night with my iPad reading news of the Queen's death. This morning I told Keith and he told Alexa. We talked of little else over breakfast. 

I took Alexa out to do some shopping for souvenirs for her carers.And then she and I went to,have a drink at Piazza Bra supposedly while,she finished her postcards. It is busy this morning, and just in the cafe behind us a tv crew follow some very well dressed people upstairs. They re-emerge for a break later on. Men in sharp suits! Many of them are smoking or vaping! We still don't know who they were.....politicians?  There are elections coming up in Italy soon.Or pop Stars? There is another awards ceremony tonight and there are tv cameras all over, as well as policemen and security guards. 

While we  are drinking our lemon, the sky darkens very suddenly and there is a mad tropical downpour. We are lucky to be under the tarpaulin shades, and the square clears very fast. Many of them come under the awnings and stand around. Meanwhile the waiters carry on as if nothing has happened! Keith joins us and we decide to stay for some lunch. Alexa and I share a pizza. 

I walk Alexa back to the hotel, where she says a fond farewell to Judith, the receptionist, who has greeted them so warmly when we arrived. They are fond of my friends here at the hotel. Alexa says she doesn't think they'll come abroad again. She is too weak she says. She has done so well, but it's not easy for her or for Keith.

I head out and buy myself a ticket to go up the Lamberti tower. It is the tallest in Verona. There is a lift up some of the way and sadly the top floor isn't open at present, but the views from where the bells are, are wonderful.

Afterwards, I do a bit of shopping myself, buy a mango ice cream and sit on a bench under the trees in the Piazza and do a crossword. The rain clouds went away before the end of lunch and it is another beautiful afternoon. I'll be sad to see the end of the sunshine! 

Poor Rufus has covid. It was picked up by his LFT....otherwise he'd have been at school! He was dressed already to go. There are 8 in his class with it.....probably more by the time I write this. The main problem for Rufus is that it means he will still be isolating on his birthday, and he has already had to cancel his party. Such a shame. So far he's not too poorly. 🤞
He is the 6th of my grandchildren to get it. No PCR tests necessary any more, so I don't know how we can be sure that infections are passed their peak. Figures must rest wholly on people reporting their positive LFT tests. Surely a lot of people just won't bother? I know there is some random sampling being done too. I still feel the death rate is uncomfortably high.

On to nicer things...... Lovely walk with Jean and Catherine along the river through Scroggs Wood. It was dull but dry and not too cold. We came back via Romney's where we had a bowls of soup/coffee. It was good to catch up with family news and discuss this week's crazy news stories.

Home, and a 'board meeting', which was Hugh's humorous way of referring to an ironing stint! 


Latest comments

23.09 | 08:08

Stunning sunrise pic! I can see why you love your poolside room! Ax

11.12 | 21:33

Beautiful photo

01.06 | 19:25

Sounds like an idyllic holiday Anne. Have a wonderful week. Love to Beth and family and to you 😘😘😘😘

18.05 | 07:31

I certainly was, Astrid. Much love to you. xx